Succeed With Solomon’s Principles

By Michael Herring

"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success" (Joshua 1:8).

Succeed With Solomon’s Principles examines and applies the value-based teachings of Solomon to living a successful life. A successful life is one where an individual enters a personal relationship with the Master of the Universe, the Living God, and seeks to achieve the purpose God created him or her for.

From the cover of the book:

"Solomon’s principles will help you develop character, establishing in you a moral core from where you can define and attain noble, worthwhile goals. They will serve as powerful anchors in the world’s raging sea of conflicting values and ever-mutating confusion.

Succeed with Solomon’s Principles will open your spiritual eyes to the Source of all provision, well being, abundance and true, long-term success. Mere techniques to attain success have not worked. What is needed is individual regeneration by internalizing Wisdom and consciously accepting and establishing a relationship with the ultimate Source of Wisdom."

From Succeed with Solomon’s Principles page 142:

"With a period of relative stability after two world wars, military conquests are replaced by economic achievement, which is much more desirable as long as it does not result in turning you into a greedy person. The avaricious combatant has replaced the "noble" warrior.

"The get-rich-quick attitude is commented on by Solomon: ‘Trying to get rich quick is evil and leads to poverty’ (Proverbs 28:22). If you seek easy money rather than achieving skills that will make you competent to fulfill your purpose, you will not be willing to sacrifice the effort required to train, learn, and practice. It takes years to master a trade or profession. You learn from your tutors and the people you work for. You learn from their experience. If quick money is your objective and you end up working for any type of business with other people, you will not respect them; you won’t enjoy what you’re doing, due to your impatience; and you will be frustrated. Generally, you will not be willing to make a long-term commitment to learn a skill, a profession, or build up a business. You might end up chasing a dangling carrot that has been cleverly placed by someone who is trying to manipulate you through your greed. There are plenty of get-rich pyramids or other marketing schemes that are tailor made to excite you.

"I once entered a house that was being foreclosed. I asked a friend what business the owner was in. ‘They’re in some type of get-rich-quick business,’ was the reply.

"‘That’s why they’re getting foreclosed,’ I replied."

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